This is a timer designed to help you focus and be more productive on your work! It uses the Pomodoro Technique, which is a work-break cycle that follows these steps: focus on your work for a while, take a short break, and repeat.
- Simply add tasks to your task list using the button and start your session.
- Visit the settings to adjust the lengths of your work intervals and breaks.
- View the instructions if you want more information on how to use the timer.
Try to focus and be productive!
Task List
New Task:
Input cannot be empty!
Tasks remaining:
Audio Error
Add Tasks for the Session
- First add all the tasks you want to work on by clicking on the task list button
- Tasks can only be added before starting the work session to limit distractions while you work
- Once you start the session, you can only see the current task!
- If you are done with a task, hit the check next to it
Work-Break Cycle
- One work interval is 25 minutes of working or studying — you can change the length in
- Once you start, the timer can't be paused, so keep working until your break!
- Take a short break after every work interval and a long break after the 4th work interval
- Done working for now? Hit “End Session” to stop. Your tasks will be saved!
- undefined
The Pomodoro Technique
The Pomodoro technique is a scientifically proven way to help increase productivity. Ultimately, people are more productive by taking small mental breaks. Want to learn more? Click here!
c - change theme, t - tasklist, s - settings, i - instructions, esc - close pop-up, space - start/end session, n - next task
Change Theme
Reset Settings